Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Khaos Aeon - Exitus (2011)

   It's always appreciating to find a black metal band that doesn't follow either of the main directions that supposed to determine overly strict boundaries and limitations for the scene. In this case it's meant to not copy exactly any of the bands of traditional Norwegian scene, and also not getting involved into the lately came hipster compatible wave. 
   Even though by listening to Khaos Aeon it's evident that the band has old school roots, but not the Nowegians might come to mind. Their music lacks the usual strong sizzling atmospheric effects, and instead they were into clean sound quality and more diverse, complex themes.  This diversity might refer even to the influences of the genre itself, so even though "Exitus" does not sound old school in the traditional way, it definitely sounds old school from another perspective. For the band probably old Samael was more inspirational, and since it's like an alternative, and less popular direction, it's also resposible for the genuine main impression of their music. They preferred middle speed, intense hammering or slow down switches are kind of occasional. Only the drums are sounding a bit poor and powerless, but that could be taken as one of the very few traditional features. Still there are excellent guitar leads and solo themes to find, that could compense the possible insufficiencies. All of their unusual features made Khaos Aeon a potential favorite for wider audience and unfortunately also a very underrated band.

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