Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Purify - Hellophile (2011)

    Since the late '90s it nearly counts extraordinary if new thrash metal bands showing up, and usually they're not long living projects. This haven't been different in the case of Purify either.
   Their aggressive, mainly Sodom influenced thrashing recalls the golden age of the German thrash metal scene, but without imitating it's '80s and early '90s sound. Still this small difference isn't enough to describe their music as some modern interpretation of an old school style. The strict limitations of the genre not blocking only to develop any genuine features, but also making difficult to not refer to any of the well known classics while listening a new band. From this view it might be not surprising, that all of the very few lately formed thrash metal bands who gained some popularity and were able to manage to stay active for longer than a few releases, had to mix the style with something else. Purify didn't seem to have further intentions than to play the same raw intensity they've probably enjoyed the most back than. In solo themes and frequently returning short, melodic leads even older, heavy metal rooted references could be discovered. However their role is too short to have some diverse effect on the side of the strict intense hammering. But in the case of old school German thrash it's not really preferred anyway, therefore for the fans of the style Purify cannot be disappointing.

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