Sunday, July 10, 2022

Et Moriemur - Cupio Dissolvi (2011)

   Et Moriemur debuted with an EP "Lacrimae Rerum" that suspected various different paths for the band due it's mixed influences. However the experimenting tendencies remained on their full lenght album "Cupio Dissolvi" too, only in a better practiced aspect. 
   Their music was probably mainly influenced by death/doom bands who gained wider popularity after they took more romantic, gothic switch with time such as Paradise Lost, Katatonia or Tiamat. The band preferred strong atmopshere created mainly by basic repetitive keyboard themes. To these sometimes nearly symphonically effecting basics simple death/doom themes came on the side of deep growling vocal assistance. The band seemed careful about not making death/doom parts too harsh sounding to avoid creating too large contrast. However, due to their unifying intentions, the contrast showed up somewhere else: at the theme switches. There's definitely a progress to discover compared to the debut EP, and the melancholic, atmospheric parts and the death/doom themes completing each other better than before, and they're even composed together, but still the continuity is not always well working. There's also a softer, quite gothic sounding temporary switch that mixes the two aspects. These simply doom based, strongly atmospheric parts including clear singing both in higher or deep tone, that also confirms the experimenting state. This middle way might suspect some Alcest influence, if it wouldn't remind too badly on Hazael's doom metal album. In case of a real analogy with that direction (that's probably not directly influental), it's more related to some special sound of Eastern European depression, than to the traditional sound of doomed gothic romance. In Total "Cupio Dissolvi" didn't close any doors that were left open on the debut, and the band's possible future step seemed unpredictable.

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