With an obvious and heavily driven sound, typically recognized with more familiar bands like Dark Funeral and Marduk, Haeretichristus possesses an undeniable depth that is more reflective of Swedish black metal; Which is no surprise once you realize there are guest appearances by Chaq Mal of Dark Funeral and Infaustus of Setherial (found on tracks Merchants of Hope, An Old Black Cage, and Sin of an Apostle).
Even with this somewhat all-too-familiar style of highly driven, blasting black metal, this album offers enough unique components to set it apart and keep your attention. The first track Lucifer's Betrayal does not fail to encompass the atmosphere, energy, and message of the entire album. Abrasive guitar leads backed by blasting drum beats are found throughout the rest of the tracks. And okay, I didn't want to say it, it IS one of those albums that, if you're not paying attention, can lack variation between songs. For whatever reason, for this album, that doesn't seem to have an adverse effect on me. Because I fucking love this album. 5 stars.
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