Thursday, March 17, 2022

Bloodfiend - Under the Evil Command (2011)

 Bloodfiend became one of the best South American death metal bands quite soon after their formation and the release of "Under the Evil Command".
   Their old school rooted and mainly Northern death metal referring music recalls the evergreen classics of the early '90s death metal scene. Northern because their sound isn't like the usual Swedish buzzsaw sound, and the song structures showing analogy both with the tendencies of the Swedish and the early Finnish scene. That makes primitive, basic, but catchy themes with rude sounding vocal style (that are definitely Swedish features) mixed with a repetitive leading melody, that serves as a same way unifying and distiguishing frame for all songs. This kind of songwriting requires experience, so the band members certainly had some musical past before Bloodfiend too. They preferred thrashy basics mainly played in middle speed, and frequently switching to intense hammering. The album sounds nostalgic and refreshing the same time by being intense, heavy and devastating in enjoyable proportions, according to which feature is more required. It could be a potential favorite for the fans of old schoold death, by offering enjoyable diversity of themes, that could be compared only to the biggest names of the early '90s.  

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