Sunday, March 13, 2022

Cauterization - Males Infestus (2011)

   Cauterization's short, but stunning debut EP was also the sign of new tendencies of the South American scene. 
   They played blackened death by involving the modern, clean sound and accurate progression of the genre. The death metal influences are closely related to brutal death by the music's intensity, sound and the presence of a second backing vocal. Black metal is mainly represented in the drum style and partly in the themes. It seemed like the band tried to involve various ideas into this short time duration, probably to turn the main view diverse, and maybe even to experiment, though the EP sounds quite mature. This made "Males Infestus" quite technical, a bit chaotic, but still unified enough. On the side of brutal death and black metal influences there also simpler and more melodic themes to find, and sudden speed switches are also common. The various things they've tried would work well independently too, which could mean that their productiveness was maybe directly piled up and shranked to increase their intensity. Interestingly the band's guitarist main vocalist Miss Maysa Rodriguez had extraordinarily brutal deep growling performance, that could embarass most male growlers. 

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