Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Ionosphere - Entrace to Another Reality (2011)

   Ionosphere was a promising one man project that included the former drummer of Medical Concepts. Even though it wasn't a long lived project, and had only one self-released album, the genuine approach of the style made Ionosphere extraordinary.
   The concept of scienece fiction and obscure alien experiments was already unusual and it could be only very distantly related to black/death in general. The analogy could be found both in concept and music in the old Carcass influences of Medical Concepts. Therefore the intensity of the former band also could be discovered, and not only in the drums, but the guitar themes also showing some similarities. Frequent switches from basic fast thrashy or black metal themes to grind intensity, and blackened sound are the most defining features. The whispering-cawing assistance of the vocal style increases the impression of some dark unrevealed mistery, that might be better to not know about. The combination of the mentioned features might suspect that "Entrace to Another Reality" was some sort of experimenting album, and it definetly had some experimenting aspect. But in total the album sounds quite unified, and the composition well-practiced enough to not remind to a usual experimenting album, or to any other black/death bands. Ionosphere also had the potential to pave down a new road how black metal and grindcore could have been mixed, and it was probably a way better and more relevant way than how it was committed by other bands so far.

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