Monday, July 11, 2022

Norylsk - Political Pollution (2011)

   Norylsk had a stunning debut that seemed to merge new waved  grindcore with the old school features of the style. 
   In sound and most themes the influences of the modern sound of grindcore are dominant, and that's kind of the same what could be heard from most brutal death bands. The well known punk and groovy themes are frequently returning, however, their role is quite secondary, since the devastating sound and intense brutality makes it impossible for any softer themes to prevail on any level. The lyrical concept based on politial and social criticism refers to the very roots of the genre, though while listening the album the musical background drifts closer to goregrind. Unlike classic grindcore bands, Norylsk doesn't seem to pick an ideologic side, and sending their "blessings" all-round to society from the conservative Catholic church through the neo socialist political heritage to the easily manipulated individuals who keep the corrupted system running. Interestingly the band name came after a Siberian industrial-miner town that's famous about it's difficult living circumstances by intense environment pollution and extreme climate. The metaphore seems quite relevant according to the albums concept too. On the side of having guts to turn against everything, similar seemingly small hints with heavy background meaning used to make old school grind bands authentic. By their insane intensity and fresh rebellious attitude Norylsk might not disappoint the old fans of the genre either.

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