Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Nomenmortis - Forget Arcadia (2011)

   Nomenmortis was formed in the early '90s, and similar to many other old school death metal bands, who didn't have the possibility to release an album back than, they had to wait until the '00s.
   They had a diverse discography after, every album approached the mix of brutal death and grindcore from a slight different perspective. Probably the frequent line-up changes were also responsible for that. The old school influences remained only in quite moderate amount, the band seemed to be inspired mainly by the modern sound of grind/death. The song structures are also reflecting that direction, and sometimes switching to quite simple, basic themes. The intesinty of their music somehow reminds to Skinless sometimes, but their mixed themes are more diverse, and a bit harder to go into. Compared to their previous albums, "Forget Arcadia" might be the most exaggerated if it's about complexity and sound. This heavy and insane tone also fits to the actual extreme tendencies of the scene, but didn't end up too technical. The unusual approach of morbid lyrical topics showing the same analogy. This mixed up style, that tries to be accurate, modern, and diverse by involving various influences is also like a regional feature, that often shows up in the small Eastern European scenes in general. 

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