Ocean Chief was formed as a stoner/doom band with heavy sludgy sound. Their concept was similarly distorted, like a vision that mixes Northern mythology and drug consume.
This blurry vision might seem weird, but later more similar bands showed up since it was working well, and it's possible to find some relation between the two topics. It's enough to think about how people with old shamanic beliefs tried to find the way to contact with spirits, gods and other supernatural forces, and the consume of hallucinogenic materials to break through everydays borders or to self-destruct just for fun was also frequently practiced by vikings. Their music was strongly influenced by the British scene (especially by Electric Wizard), where this style and concept was developed since a while. Ufommammut could be also mentioned because of their very relatable style and concept. Ocean Chief went further by extentig the song lenghts even more, and this turned their not popularity contest-compatible music even harder to go into. Since their lately released demo material, "The Oden Sessions" only one year has passed, but their music developed a lot during this time, and on "Tor" took it's final form. This was based mostly on the contrast of heavy-noisy sound and the endlessly long, calm psychedelic hovering. Even though the album could be a challenge even for practiced audio connoisseurs, it represents high quality and therefore it's recommended for the most exaggerated stoner/doom fans.
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