Monkeypriest was a short lived, but completely stunning band that gave a new shade to the less popular style of sludge/doom. Already their name selection was promising by referring to the already sludge legend Iron Monkey.
As it was mentioned before sludge metal in it's raw original form became a very rare thing to find, and most bands who decide to play in this style, usually ending up in the progressive Mastodon influenced direction, that loses most or nearly all sludge features; or they involving stoner or doom metal elements. The second (more fortunate) case was Monkeypriest. Sludge/doom not only keeps most of the sludge features, but also creates a way heavier and even more demoralizing main view. Monkeypriest operated with simple, but effective themes that could be enjoyable for the fans of both styles. Even though it's sound definitely reflects the main underground trends of it's age, by the themes "The Psalm" have some vintage '80s-early '90s effect too, that reminds to bands like Celtic Frost, early Cathedral or Candlemass. The band probably had quite diverse range of influences, and all was framed into the rumbling, unifying sound of sludge/doom. Despite their focus on simplicity and musical minimalism, these could be sensed during listening, therefore the album is well composed by letting various hints, but never losing from it's unitedness.
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