Friday, July 2, 2021

Impiety - Terrorreign - Apocalyptic Armageddon Command (2009)

   Impiety have formed in the late '80s as a devastating sounding death/black metal band that was kind of ahead of it's time and could have been compared to Blasphemy. Later their style kept switching between thrash, black and death metal. 
  Their first full-lenght debut was more into black metal and showed strong similarities to Abigail and their late mixed thrashy music suspected the influence of the other Japanese classic band Sabbat. That could been an experimenting period, because on the following albums sometimes thrash, later death metal was in focus. On "Paramount Evil" they seemed to keep staying at the most most exaggerated style they could achieve by the mix of the 3 genres, and "Terrorreign" was maybe their most brutal realease. Extreme speed, high quality sound and very aggressive tone are the main features of the album. This barely reminds to their early style, but similar to their old ambitions in the early '90s. The difference is that an already well experienced band could be heard on "Terrorreign" with various and well tried influences. This fits more to the modern sound of blackened death metal bands, though the band kept the definitely old school touch, and the album to the highest quality releases of the genre. By their basically simple approach, Impiety shows quite wide possibilites of their musical toolbar, and their productiveness and level of self-dedication could be compared to Japanese metal bands.

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