Saturday, May 28, 2022

Burial Sun - Burial Sun (2011)

   Similar to Finnish death metal bands, the the bands of the less numerous Finnish black metal scene also had the intention to play somehow different than the bands of the way bigger neighbouring  scenes. 
   But while at death metal bands easily recognizable returning features have been formed during the decades, about black metal nothing so exact could be said. Partly because there have been less bands, and partly because most of them tried to find their own distinguishable ways instead of creating a unified scene. Some tried to sound more raw and aggressive than the Norwegians, like Beherit or Impaled Nazarene, while others like Archgoat started to play the most exaggerated, death metal influenced style of the genre. Led by probably similar motivation, Burial Sun took another direction, their music took place somewhere between atmospheric, depressive and black/doom metal. The features of all styles could be found on their one and only album, but none of them in enough large scale to have obviously determining role. They preferred slow and middle speed, catchy melodic leads and strongly atmospheric sound. The album lacks real intensity, and doom metal-like repetitive heaviness creates some contrast with the melodic atmosphere instead. The tone of the vocal style is also more like a suffering suffocating voice from a distant source that's covered by fog. Despite the indeterminate role of the three possible directions, Burial Sun sounds quite unified and was able to introduce a new (and probably less known) alternative for the genre. 

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