Monday, February 28, 2022

Supplicium - The Pleasures of Immuted / Doomed Zombies (2011)

   Supplicium formed as one of the rare bands in the early '90s, who were more fascinited about the heavy sound instead of intense speed, and therefore started to play death/doom. During their short and kind of occasional active periods they recorded 3 temo tapes, and the first 2 were released together as the current compilation album.
   Their first demo (that makes the second part of the compilation) was evidently inspired by the that time uprising death metal scene. Similar to many others they also tried to reach a so unfriendly and inhuman appoach as they could, but heavy sound already appeared here as a detirmining factor. That's possible to note though the weak rehearsal quality. On the second demo their main influence could have been old Paradise Lost, as extended themes and slow speed took over as main features. The vocal style and the atmospheric, melodic tendencies also referring to "Lost Paradise". The sound quality also got better, and that helped a lot on the new features to prevail. Some songs are not far from funeral doom depths, and sometimes sound similar to Esoteric. In complexity and productiveness they didn't reach the  the mentioned bands, but by their intentions and sound showed strong analogy. 

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