Sunday, February 27, 2022

Generation Decline - 2011 ep (2011)

   It's a common opinion that rebelling attitude is nowhere to find in nowadays rock/metal era. Or that nowadays because everyone prefers to get insulted by anything, it might be difficult to create a working rebellious concept. If the audience is enough fancy and superficial, this might sound correct, but in truth it have never been so easy and accurate to rebel, than in an age of insulted fetish and when certain rules getting forced on whole societies. And if it's about rebelling in music, maybe must look for other, less compromising, and therefore less known styles...
   With a very energic and aggressive approach Generation Decline jumped into the middle at the very beginning by topics like social and political oppression, religious brainwash or domestic violence. The hardcore/crust punk that Generation Decline plays is less raw and more punk-like than original British crust punk, that's almost like some a monotonous version of thrash metal. This could be a continuous analogy, cause American punk was also more melodic and audience friendlier than British punk. Of course Generation Decline is (fortunately) quite far from being audience friendly. Their overwhelming intensity is impressing even if it's about crust punk. Their female frontman not simply keeping up, but even extending the intensity with her extremely aggressive performance. Even though this record was only a title-less EP, probably one of their first tryings, it was quite stunning.

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