Sunday, October 6, 2019

From Beyond - Sounds of the Grave (2007)

   From Beyond was formed in the early '90s, but such as many other bands who were not able to make it further that time than a few demo tapes, they've debutet in the early '00s.
   Their first album was kind of raw by ideas that sounded like awaiting for some elaboration, but the band have managed this progress at their return and showed development. Their themes are reminding to classic doom metal that might be not surprising from a death/doom band, but the main tendency of the style was different. The better known and popular bands of the style (at bands where the death metal reference is quite questionable) had similar features in their music, but because of the massive overload of melodies and emotional atmosphere their effect was minimal. And in the case of the rough direction (that was really death metal influenced too) most themes were more like the slow version of death metal. At From Beyond the ominous feeling of the '80s doom metal can be easily identified, only they sound more rough and noisier. And it's possible to find themes that are strongly remindig to '70s, and leading back to the very roots of the genre. This counts as uncommon in death/doom, cause not many have tried anything similar, even though it might be quite evident. Probably it's because death/doom used to be somthing heavier and more depressing than ordinary doom, and classical themes might sound too "bright" for the down-pulling, noisy sound. But there are modern features to find on the album on side of the old school nostalgia, so though it's simplicity "Sounds of the Grave" offers diverse entertainment.

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