Sometimes there are interesting experiments to find in the extreme scene, that are recieving the coldest welcome from the audience. The same happenned with "Cybergore" by Avulsed, that was probably a fun made remix version of their full-lenght debut "Eminence in Purtescence".
It's kind of enjoyable to read the desperately negative reviews about the album, that didn't meant to take seriously. It's more like a metal parody, that was committed by involving techno, drum & bass and other electronic music genres to the death metal basics. The result is something that's close to an alternative aspect of industrial death metal, and from that point of view, the album could be interesting. Especially since in similar cases the death metal features are losing from their importance and getting left behind to leave some ground for the electronic influences to evolve, and therefore the whole thing turns too melodic. The advantage of this case is that by a mix there's no chance to conform, everything's there in it's raw form cutten together. So it's one of the closest versions that could fit to the term of industrial death metal. Deep growls haven't been heard yet in this form, and Dave Rotten's voice is kind of appreciating as it's interrupting the hyperspace techno drug levitation. The song title changes ("Powdered Fish" or "Addicted to Red Bull") are making the whole thing funnier. Unfortunately not many have discovered the possibilities that have been accidentally revealed by this fun-made experiment, and "Cybergore" took place on the imaginary wall of shame at most metal fans. But for those who are opened for industrial metal, the album is definitely is worth for a listen.
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