Thursday, July 9, 2020

Khrophus - Presages (2009)

    Khorphus could look back to a long (but not too productive) musical past since the early '90s under a different name, and had their full lenght debut in 2003. 
   These timings had sensable influence on their music. Their basic influence could have been old school death metal, and for that  there are references to find in their music. But the technical ambitions they had are reflecting the main tendencies of the '00s, and all with it's disadvantageous features. Turnung technical in general isn't an easy way, since the pile of sudden theme and speed switches are difficult to frame together, and all instruments should be in balance. On "Presages" the rhythm section (drumms and bass) sounds the most intense and twisted, and includes pleny of unnecessary fripperies that ar not giving anything plus into the music. While the guitar themes trying to comply, the music looses from it's heaviness, and since the main intensity and the sound are definitely brutal death influenced, all that is just not getting together as much as it might be preferred for the expected effectiveness. The band definitely had potential, since they've proved that they're good in playing complex and fast, and it wouldn't take too much to make it work, but some missing feeling is left behind after listening to "Presages". However for technical death fans their music might be enjoyable. 

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